
Hey! Hi! Hello, darlin’! How are ya? I’m Dezy Delaceur – or, as I’m known ’round these parts, Dezydration/d3zydration (pronounced ‘deh-zee-dray-shun’). In this little corner of the internet, I make art, tell stories, and let my inner child take the reins for a while. Here you’ll find all my creative projects, from digital and traditional artwork to fiction and non-fiction literature to the full-fledged web comics I’ve been fleshing out for well over a decade now. You can also hire me for any of your creative project needs if you are so inclined.

A little bit more about myself: The username d3zydration dates all the way back to my baby bat / emo kid days. I was already a child of the wild west that was the early internet, dwelling in places like KiddoNet and Neopets and Virtual Magic Kingdom in my youngest years, which were actually just gateway drugs into places like Gaia Online, MySpace, and VampireFreaks, among other things. Eventually, social platforms like Twitter and Tumblr came into the mix, and once I started developing some genuine long-term digital friendships in those places, I decided I needed one joint username to rule them all. Thus, d3zydration was born – a portmanteau of ‘dehydration’ and ‘zydrate’ (a reference to my beloved Repo! The Genetic Opera) – and it just kinda stuck. (For the record, it was pronounced accordingly at the time, but because absolutely no one ever read it that way, I’ve since made peace with it. Reluctantly.)

Anyway, my sharing of creative projects actually didn’t start until around 2015, when I started a silly little gaming channel like everyone else. Post-college, I also started experimenting more with my personal art style by combining my love of western comics with my love of manga. I shared that much of that journey, as well. Unfortunately, we hit some sort of cultural event horizon at that point, and the (ongoing) years that would follow, unbeknownst to little me at the time, would only get worse. As the world began moving faster, tempers and attention spans grew shorter, turning many good people into inauthentic husks of what they used to be. “Social” media platforms have become sterilized corporate havens which actively work against anything remotely social. The ever-changing algorithms that work against you are bleakly mirrored in real-world interactions. And yet, in my infinite wisdom, I am still here and trying harder than ever to turn back the cultural clock, as it were, to help make life a bit more livable again. (And the League of Extraordinarily Mid Tech Overlords can kiss my peach if they don’t like it.)

That said, I cannot deny the impracticality of skipping out on popular social media platforms, so I do have plans to be vaguely present on the more popular social media at this time. You can find links to all of these things and more over on my main website (on this page, specifically). I am actively looking for platforms which seek to bring some enjoyment and sense of community​ back to the internet, but I just don’t see that happening yet.

Beyond what you see on this website, there are many other projects I am overseeing at this time, including a gothic lifestyle boutique called the Luxe Gothique Boutique, a metaphysical website and storefront called the Witchy Housewife, my own social media platform (for which I am on the hunt for collaborators; please contact me if interested), and a number of other more secret projects. You can find links to all of this work, as well as updates regarding said work, on my main website.